Friday, November 16, 2007

The Path to Paradise – Part 1
Setting the Goal

By Khurram Murad

The path to paradise is paved for those who seek God's pleasure in their life. The path to God is only illuminated when a person recognizes the central place of God in his life and strives to develop his self accordingly. The Messenger of God said:

If someone wants to know what position he enjoys in the eyes of God, he has only to look at what place he gives to God [in his heart and life]. (Hakim)

The term nearest in meaning to self development in the Quranic vocabulary is: tazkiyah.

Tazkiyah means purification and refers to the cleansing of the human self from all that is unwholesome, undesirable and unwelcome. It also refers to the nurturing and strengthening of all the qualities within the human self that are essential for growth and development, for blossoming and flowering.

Success and happiness in this world and the Hereafter depend on tazkiyah, the purification and nurturing of our personality. The Quran states that true success is only reserved for those who seek to purify themselves:

[Successful indeed is the one who purifies his whole self.] (Ash-Shams 91:9)

Our personality comprises not only the physical body but also the mind and the heart, feelings and attitudes, character and behavior. Proper nurturing and development of these elements of the personality will achieve desirable goals. When goals are desirable, the process of aspiring to, working towards and achieving them also becomes desirable. This is part of human nature. It is critical, therefore, that we recognize and understand the true nature of our ultimate goal in life.
For the believer, the most coveted goal in life is to seek the good pleasure of Allah Paradise. Our Creator has set this goal for us:

[And surely Paradise – it is the goal.] (Al-Nazi`at 79:41)
[Indeed the Next abode – it is truly the life!] (Al-`Ankabut 29:64)
[The companions of Paradise – they are the triumphant ones.] (Al-Hashr 59:20)

Know, however, that attaining the pleasure of Allah takes precedence over seeking Paradise but the two are closely connected. Paradise can only be attained through seeking Allah's pleasure, and when Allah's pleasure is gained, we will indeed be granted Paradise.
Reflect upon the following two verses in the Quran:

[And there is a kind of person who would willingly give up personal interests, seeking Allah’s pleasure; and God is Most Compassionate towards His servants.] (Al-Baqarah 2:207)

[Indeed Allah has purchased from the Believers their lives and their possessions, promising them Paradise, in return.] (At-Tawbah 9:111)

The alternative to attaining Paradise in the Hereafter is to be placed in Hellfire and to receive its punishments.

The Quran states: [But in the life to come: [it is either] severe suffering, or God’s forgiveness and His goodly acceptance.] (Al-Hadid 57:20)

What is it that makes a person deserving of such a suffering? The answer is to be found in the second part of the same verse:

[for the life of this world is nothing but an enjoyment of self-delusion.] (Al-Hadid 57:20)

Hell, therefore, is for those who seek as their ultimate goal in life, not the pleasure of Allah or Paradise, but the enjoyment of worldly gains.

The pursuit of worldly gain is but a mirage. All worldly gains are left behind when you die. All that is on earth is bound to perish while Allah and His good favor will remain forever.
It is for this reason that the Quran advises:

[Vie with one another in seeking to attain to your Sustainer’s forgiveness, and to a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, which has been readied for those who have attained to faith in God and His messengers: such is the bounty of Allah which He grants unto whomever He wills – for Allah is limitless in His great bounty.] (Al-Hadid 57:21)

All your efforts in this world should therefore be focused only on seeking Paradise. It is the promise of the Almighty that:

[You will only be rewarded fully for all your good deeds on the Day of Resurrection, and [on that Day] whoever will be drawn away from Hell-fire, and admitted into Paradise, will indeed have triumphed.] (Al-`Imran 3:185)

Khurram Murad (1932-1996) studied civil engineering at the universities of Karachi, Pakistan and Minnesota, USA, and was actively involved in the Islamic movement and in the training of Islamic workers. Many of his books, both in English and in Urdu, are being published posthumously.

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